
If paying by cheque click here to download the booking form. Fill it out and send it together with your cheque to the address shown.

Register and Pay Online Now

The cost per ticket for the conference on 23 March 2024  is $450-00. Register and pay by clicking on the PayPal button above.
PayPal will automatically generate a tax invoice and email it to you. Payment must be received by close of business on Tuesday 19 March 2024.

Virtual CPD Option 

You have the option of Virtual CPD attendance by way of livestream. Purchasing a ticket automatically grants you a single-user licence. Please ensure we have the user’s correct name to assist us in our CPD audit reporting obligations with the Law Society and Bar Association.  A link will be forwarded by email prior to the conference. Please ensure we have your best “Saturday” email address.

Refund and Cancellation Policy, Change of Conference Agenda

Cancellations made more than 10 business days prior to the date of the conference will incur an administration fee of $50.00 per conference ticket. Requests for refunds will not be accepted if made less than 10 business days prior to the date of the conference.

Reasonable Cause CPD  (Qld) reserves the right to change the conference agenda without notice.